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No.1 The Best of the Best 필스쿨닷컴 추천어학원

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필리핀 유일 공인시험센터 보유: IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL, Cambridge ESOL
필리핀 최대 규모 영어 교육기관, 세부에 3개 캠퍼스 운영(SPARTA, CLASSIC, CAPITAL), 전문 강사 최다 보유, 최다 다국적 학생비율
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No.2 저렴하고 실속있는 세미스파르타 추천어학원

BOC English Academy

파워 맨투맨수업으로 맨투맨수업 최다 세미 스파르타 어학원
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No.5 서양강사 최다보유 추천어학원

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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄
[시애틀어학원] 필리핀 다바오어학원 일본학생 연수기 Takashi

Dear Dennise Wanda Rojero

I am writing here to represent my appreciation for your schooling.I am really appreciating it that Eddy lend money to me when I left at Seattle language school. To his courtesy, I could come back to Japan safety. I am thankful to Eddy for his lenient demeanor.I think almost of the Seattle teachers include Eddy and Paul were impeccably lenient and beneficent.

It was 2 weeks ago that I come back to Japan. Now, I can recognize what I will be committed to do in my future and reflected on myself over and over again. I think that I could foster my motives to study abroad for advancing graduate school while staying there. Remembers of studying at Seattle can bolster my motives of studying building materials and construction in my future.

Within the duration I stayed there, I learned some methods of organizing own thought and establish own opinion and foster it by mentioning evidences and giving some examples. I am not outspoken and easygoing person but I became to take care my subtle and fastidious remarks. I wish I propose my opinion and then expatiate, expound what I want to say.However I take care of a redundancy. I also knew the one on one class’s upside is that students do not leave even one query, students can ask anything.

I impressed that frolic and faceous ambiance teem at Seattle but those atmosphere is, in a sense, precipitating to communicate with teachers easily without being constrained to do so.

Now, I am envisaging many teachers there. I like Siglid because she is outspoken, cogent but not audacious. I got interested in creative writing due to Siglid’s lecture between classes.

On the contrast to that, I like Seattle library’s serenity, calm. Seattle ‘library was cozy.I ‘d say that I owe it to the ambiance that I did not have a respite from my study and I had studied ever since morning until midnight.

I can always respect for Seattle language school by his being a benefactor for plight and indigent children. I was pleasure to take some lesson at Seattle language school.

When I left at Seattle language school, I was given some souvenir from Teacher ,Marie and Janica and I took some pictures with many teachers to commemorate for those days.I believe that those presents and pictures always remind me of Seattle language school .Dennise,Please rememember to say for all of the teachers include Marie,Jane, Mark,Cristina.

My reiterating appreciation is here to say, I could envisage Seattle teachers everyday in my future. Thank you for giving second opportunities to take many lessons at Seattle.

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