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No.1 The Best of the Best 필스쿨닷컴 추천어학원

SMEAG Global Education

필리핀 유일 공인시험센터 보유: IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL, Cambridge ESOL
필리핀 최대 규모 영어 교육기관, 세부에 3개 캠퍼스 운영(SPARTA, CLASSIC, CAPITAL), 전문 강사 최다 보유, 최다 다국적 학생비율
체계적인 학사관리 및 성적관리 시스템, 연간 3,500여명의 졸업생들이 추천하는 인기 명문어학원


No.2 저렴하고 실속있는 세미스파르타 추천어학원

BOC English Academy

파워 맨투맨수업으로 맨투맨수업 최다 세미 스파르타 어학원
일대일수업과 서양강사수업의 조화가 잘 이루어지는 프로그램, 쇼핑몰 접근이 용이한 위치는 덤
가족같은 분위기, 지속적인 학생상담과 관리가 체계적으로 이루어지는 필리핀어학원


No.3 바기오 회화와 토익 추천어학원

Talk Academy

양코센터와 이앤이센터 두곳을 운영중에 있음
양코센터는 ESL전문 센터로 스파르타와 세미스파르타 함께 진행 되고 있습니다.
이앤이센터는 토익, 아이엘츠, 파워 스피킹 코스를 전문적으로 운영함


No.4 세부 최초의 스파르타 어학원

English Village Academy

세부에서 스파르타식 수업방식으로 인기가 많은 추천어학원, 필리핀 최다 학습시간으로 영어노출 기회가 많은 어학원
정규수업외 1:1 개별테스트가 매일 진행되며, 어학원내 영어사용이 의무규정
필리핀 세부에서도 주변환경이 매우 우수하고, 전원 풀타임 강사진으로 구성


No.5 서양강사 최다보유 추천어학원

Center for Premier International Language Studies

자타가 공인하는 세부 어학원 원조, 세부 최고의 어학원으로 우수한 커리큐럼이 장점
서양강사 수업이 가능하며 한국학생 뿐만 아니라 일본학생 비율도 높아 다양한 문화체험이 가능할 수 있는 환경
필리핀 최초의 기숙사식 어학원으로 모든 편의시설 완비되어 있고, 확실한 교사 관리와 복지 제도를 통한 수준 높은 교사진 구성

Extra Form





LSI 국가별 지역별 2021년 1월 23일 현재 소식 아래와 같이 전해드립니다.


An overview of the current status of all LSI Schools:

  • LSI London: Online lessons. National lockdown until February 19th. We intend to offer face to face lessons as soon as we’re permitted to do so. New students are allowed to enter the country but must quarantine for 10 days. As of January 18, students must ALSO produce a negative COVID-19 test result that has been administered up to 72-hours prior to arrival.
  • LSI Brighton: Online lessons. National lockdown until February 19th. We intend to offer face to face lessons as soon as we’re permitted to do so. New students are allowed to enter the country but must quarantine for 10 days. As of January 18, students must ALSO produce a negative COVID-19 test result that has been administered up to 72-hours prior to arrival.
  • LSI Cambridge: Online lessons. National lockdown until February 19th. We intend to offer face to face lessons as soon as we’re permitted to do so. New students are allowed to enter the country but must quarantine for 10 days. As of January 18, students must ALSO produce a negative COVID-19 test result that has been administered up to 72-hours prior to arrival.
  • LSI College: Online lessons until we're permitted to provide face to face classes, which we expect to be after the half-term break in February.
  • LSI Boston: Face to face and online lessons. New students* are allowed to enter the country but must quarantine for 10 days or produce a negative COVID-19 test result that has been administered up to 72-hours prior to arrival in Massachusetts. *Students who have been to Brazil, China, Iran, European Schengen Area, United Kingdom & Republic of Ireland in the 14-day period before their scheduled arrival in the USA are prohibited to enter the country. For more information visit https://www.mass.gov/info-details/covid-19-travel-orderand https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/from-other-countries.html.
  • LSI San Diego: Online lessons. State lockdown until further notice. We intend to offer face to face lessons as soon as we’re permitted to do so. New students* are allowed to enter the country but must quarantine for 10 days. *Students who have been to Brazil, China, Iran, European Schengen Area, United Kingdom & Republic of Ireland in the 14-day period before their scheduled arrival in the USA are prohibited to enter the country. For more information visit https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/from-other-countries.html.
  • LSI Berkeley: Online lessons. Schedule to re-open for face to face lessons on June 22, 2021.
  • LSI New York: Online lessons. Schedule to re-open for face to face lessons on April 2, 2021.
  • LSI Toronto: Online lessons. Lockdown in the Ontario province until at least Jan 23, 2021. We intend to offer face to face lessons as soon as we’re permitted to do so. Our Readiness Plan has been approved by the Ministry of Education and our students coming with a student visa are allowed to enter the country but must quarantine for 14 days at one of the LSI-approved accommodations options. Check our options on this link: https://www.lsi.edu/partners/docs/document/LSI_Canada-Quarantine_options.pdf. Students must ALSO produce a negative COVID-19 test (PCR) result that has been administered up to 72-hours prior to arrival.
  • LSI Vancouver: Face to face and online lessons. Our Readiness Plan has been approved by the Ministry of Education and our students coming with a student visa are allowed to enter the country but must quarantine for 14 days at one of the LSI-approved accommodations options. Check our options on this link: https://www.lsi.edu/partners/docs/document/LSI_Canada-Quarantine_options.pdf. Students must ALSO produce a negative COVID-19 test (PCR) result that has been administered up to 72-hours prior to arrival.
  • LSI Auckland: Face to face classes for onshore students and online lessons for offshore students. Borders are closed so students are not allowed into the country until further notice. Temporary visa applications won’t be processed until May 2021.
  • LSI Brisbane: Online lessons. Borders are closed and no new students are allowed into the country until further notice. 
  • LSI Paris: Face to face lessons. New students are allowed to enter for study purposes with a Short-stay visa (VSC) or from a country exempt from VSC and a letter of acceptance from LSI. Students must produce a negative COVID-19 test (PCR) result that has been administered up to 72-hours prior to arrival. For more information check https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/coming-to-france/coronavirus-advice-for-foreign-nationals-in-france/ or contact your local embassy.
  • LSI Zurich: Online lessons. Government restrictions in place until further notice. New students are allowed to enter the country and must quarantine for 10 days unless exempt. For the most up to date information please visit https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/empfehlungen-fuer-reisende/quarantaene-einreisende.html



UK: Test to Release information


From January 15th, passengers travelling to the UK will need to present a negative coronavirus test result upon departure. (Tests must have been taken no more than 72 hours prior.) Students will still need to quarantine in the UK upon arrival but will be able to reduce their quarantine period by taking a COVID 19 test.


The process is as follows:

  1. You can take a test after 5 whole days of self-isolation. 
  2. Book and pay for a test in the UK before you travel. LSI will assist with this by providing information about accessible testing centres.
  3. Confirm that you want to join the “test and release” system on the online passenger locator form, which you should complete before you travel.

If the result from your COVID-19 test is inconclusive you must continue to self-isolate. You can choose to take another test privately.


London, Cambridge and Brighton have many private medical providers who can offer Covid tests and will provide up to date information on the best, fastest and most cost-effective test centres for each individual student on or before arrival.


Full information on the test to release systems is available on the UK government website: 




Canada: Student visas for short-term programmes


The IRCC is aware that there is an issue in the [eligibility] questionnaire which does not present applicants the option to apply for a study permit if they plan to study for less than 6 months and do not require a temporary resident visa. They are currently working to address this issue.


In the meantime, applicants from visa-exempt countries who wish to apply for a study permit for a short-term program can indicate during the eligibility questionnaire that they intend to stay in Canada for longer than 6 months. This will generate their document checklist for a study permit application.


When they complete the application, the applicant should include their actual dates of study which reflect that they intend to study for less than 6 months.


For your reference, you may consult the operational instructions and guidelines of the IRCC on https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/temporary-residents/study-permits/who-needs-study-permit.html



Prices and dates for 2021 programmes


Due to the current circumstances, we have updated start dates for some of our programmes. For the latest information please check our LSI price list: https://www.lsi.edu/pdfs/2020-2021/English_brochure_prices.pdf.



Covid-19 Policies & Procedures


You can find the latest information on our policies and procedures for protecting our students & staff as well as up to date information on our special Covid-19 terms & conditions here: https://www.lsi.edu/en/covid-19.php








List of Articles
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