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No.1 The Best of the Best 필스쿨닷컴 추천어학원

SMEAG Global Education

필리핀 유일 공인시험센터 보유: IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL, Cambridge ESOL
필리핀 최대 규모 영어 교육기관, 세부에 3개 캠퍼스 운영(SPARTA, CLASSIC, CAPITAL), 전문 강사 최다 보유, 최다 다국적 학생비율
체계적인 학사관리 및 성적관리 시스템, 연간 3,500여명의 졸업생들이 추천하는 인기 명문어학원


No.2 저렴하고 실속있는 세미스파르타 추천어학원

BOC English Academy

파워 맨투맨수업으로 맨투맨수업 최다 세미 스파르타 어학원
일대일수업과 서양강사수업의 조화가 잘 이루어지는 프로그램, 쇼핑몰 접근이 용이한 위치는 덤
가족같은 분위기, 지속적인 학생상담과 관리가 체계적으로 이루어지는 필리핀어학원


No.3 바기오 회화와 토익 추천어학원

Talk Academy

양코센터와 이앤이센터 두곳을 운영중에 있음
양코센터는 ESL전문 센터로 스파르타와 세미스파르타 함께 진행 되고 있습니다.
이앤이센터는 토익, 아이엘츠, 파워 스피킹 코스를 전문적으로 운영함


No.4 세부 최초의 스파르타 어학원

English Village Academy

세부에서 스파르타식 수업방식으로 인기가 많은 추천어학원, 필리핀 최다 학습시간으로 영어노출 기회가 많은 어학원
정규수업외 1:1 개별테스트가 매일 진행되며, 어학원내 영어사용이 의무규정
필리핀 세부에서도 주변환경이 매우 우수하고, 전원 풀타임 강사진으로 구성


No.5 서양강사 최다보유 추천어학원

Center for Premier International Language Studies

자타가 공인하는 세부 어학원 원조, 세부 최고의 어학원으로 우수한 커리큐럼이 장점
서양강사 수업이 가능하며 한국학생 뿐만 아니라 일본학생 비율도 높아 다양한 문화체험이 가능할 수 있는 환경
필리핀 최초의 기숙사식 어학원으로 모든 편의시설 완비되어 있고, 확실한 교사 관리와 복지 제도를 통한 수준 높은 교사진 구성


[필리핀어학연수후기 C21어학원] 필리핀어학연수원 C21어학원 Terry의 필리핀어학연수 영어연수후기





테리의 C21어학원 필리핀어학연수 경험담



Hello my name is An Won Park or Terry.  I’m 21 years old in Korea. When I was in Korea, I had a plan to go to Australia for Working Holiday which is a name of VISA. Due to insufficient knowledge about English, I decided to study English in C21 in the Philippines. To improve my English Communication Skills are one of the reasons why I came here. I think I had a good choice of studying in C21. With the help and support of my teachers and parents as well, now, I’m confident enough to say that my English skill is improved. As the matter of fact, I can now express whatever I want to say using English.


I’m writing this letter because I have been staying here for almost 3 months and I’m leaving soon. Currently, my feeling is really strange because of mixed emotions I have such as excitement, nervous and curiosity. However, my plan is really sad that I can’t even think of any vocabulary to express what my feeling is. Time flies so fast like a wind.


My first month which was really nerve-racking was very superb to me. When I came here, I couldn’t speak English very well because I was afraid to speak English and have mistakes in conversation. One of my inspirations is my roommate Jack who is 27 years old and kind to me. He has confidence to speak English even though his English skill is not high and perfect. Because of him, I could have confidence to speak English if I want to say something. Although I had a mistake, I just keep going. Anyway I could easily adapt the Philippines’ circumstances.


When I took a level test, my level was B1- which is not high but not low. It is important for me to level up from B1- to another level which is higher than it in order to improve my English skills. Though my character is indolent, I couldn’t help studying English hard because of the other students who apply themselves closely to their studies every day. So I think it motivated me to keep studying every day. As a result, my first month was confusing regarding the Philippines’ culture and studying English.


My second month was so fast and exciting because I made a lot of recollection with my friends in C21. One of my fondest memories is when we went to Splash Island which is a water park. It took us long time to get there. It was really exciting for us to go to another place far from Manila strapping on a knapsack. So I could make unforgettable memories with my friends whom maybe I can’t meet anymore even in Korea because they also will go to another country like Canada, America and Australia like me.


And In second month, I could feel my English skill had been improving since coming here comparing my first with the last writing in my diary. Before coming here, I didn’t expect how much improvement I would have. However, effectiveness was really enormous to me, so I couldn’t help being satisfied with my improvement. I think English diary is best for me to improve my English skills equally.


The last third month is that I could think of my past three months since I came here. When it comes to thinking about my life here, I have a little regret that I didn’t usually go on a trip in the Philippines. Most of all, I wanted to make a lot of recollection with students in C21. So I traveled to SUBIC which is one of the famous places in the Philippines with my friends. Frankly speaking, that trip was not good because of the weather. But I thought that trip was an indeed good experience for me and chance to make friends with other students. So I recommend you to go on a trip or tour to some new areas in the Philippines except in Manila. Maybe you will have a good time wherever you go. If I can turn back the time, I will make a lot of experience going on a trip. I think the Philippines have really good places like Mindoro and Boracay.


I didn’t try to make friends who are Filipinos except teachers in C21. I think if I made Filipino friends, I could have an outcome about my English skill that is better than now. If I think over more, usually we talk naturally with our friends not teachers. Everyone knows making Filipino friends is not easy so nobody tries that. Actually there are a lot of university students here because U.P. and Ateneo like Seoul National University and Korea University in Korea are nearby C21. Therefore you can have a chance to make Filipino friends easily. Don’t be afraid and have a confidence!!


I’m going to Australia soon. Before, I was the one who was really afraid of making grammatical mistakes especially when I speak English. But, now I don’t feel like that. So I believe myself to speak English having a confidence because of my teachers and C21. Nobody knows what the future has in store for me. But now I feel I can know my future will be uneventful having no problem because I have confidence to speak English. Most people attack an English conversation problem by relying heavily on the grammatical ability while thinking of the construction of grammar. If you have confidence to speak English as you don’t think grammatical construction, you will have a successful studying abroad life in the Philippines. My main essential point is that having confidence is the best method to improve English ability to me.


I could learn a lot of things in C21 of course including English. I will never forget my life in C21 with all the teachers. Even though I will leave here, I will keep in touch with my teachers and friends. Lots of beautiful memories and well-skilled English are the best gifts I received. I hope C21 English Academy will splendidly prosper continuously. Actually I want to make an object of criticism about a lot of things about C21. But to have an experience personally is better than reading my gossip.


Any way thank you so much everyone. I’ll take the custody of my C21 T-shirts for good significantly like treasure ^^
More power! I love C21. We love C21.

From Terry


필리핀어학연수원 C21어학원 Terry의 필리핀어학연수 영어연수후기



필리핀어학연수원 C21어학원 Terry의 필리핀어학연수 영어연수후기 마닐라베이에서


마닐라베이 (2).jpg

필리핀어학연수원 C21어학원 Terry의 필리핀어학연수 영어연수후기 - 마닐라베이에서



필리핀어학연수원 C21어학원 Terry의 필리핀어학연수 영어연수후기



필리핀어학연수원 C21어학원 Terry의 필리핀어학연수 영어연수후기 - 즐거운 한때



필리핀어학연수원 C21어학원 Terry의 필리핀어학연수 영어연수후기





필리핀어학연수원 C21어학원 Terry의 필리핀어학연수 영어연수후기 - We Love C21




















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필리핀어학연수의 최대 특징은 뭐니뭐니해도 저렴한 비용으로 맨투맨수업을 받을 수 있다는 장점이 있죠~
최소의 비용의 최대의 영어연수 효과를 기대하시는 분들에게 필리핀어학연수 추천!!!


필리핀어학연수 전문 필리핀유학원, 유학포커스 필스쿨닷컴에서 여러분의 궁금점을 풀어드리며, 
최신 필리핀어학연수 및 필리핀유학 정보를 전해드립니다.


단기 필리핀어학연수, 대학생 필리핀어학연수, 초등학생 필리핀어학연수, 지역별 추천 필리핀어학원 정보,
필리핀어학연수 비용정보, 필리핀어학연수 할인정보 등등 궁금하신 점은 언제든 문의주세요~



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